We receive a wide range of briefs from our clients (Apple, Warner Brothers, Amazon, Nike - to name a few!) Shoots vary from small editorial photoshoots to large-scale TV productions and everything in between.

We’ve worked hard to create our unique image recognition and location identification engine. This makes it easy to find the exact locations our clients are looking for in the shortest time possible.

When your property shows up in these searches we send your location to the client as a potential shoot option.


The booking process


Location selection

Once your location is selected by the client we 
contact you to discuss the details of the shoot 
- this includes production type (stills, filming, 
event etc) dates, hours, crew size and budget.



If you’re available for the shoot and are happy 
with all details discussed, we place an ‘option’ 
on your location.

This holds the date for the shoot. At the early stages 
of production clients will place multiple options on different locations, so this might mean the option 
will be ‘released’ if they feel your property doesn't 
fully suit the brief.



This is a location visit which is booked in at a convenient time for you and the client. This is a perfect time for you to speak with the client about 
the production and advise them on things like areas available to shoot, parking and power options and 
to answer any questions they might have.



If the client wants to book your location, you will receive a contract which has already been signed 
by them. This will include all details about the shoot including our legal terms, hours, crew size, agreed 
rate and overtime costs. Every client we work with 
is covered by public liability insurance.


Once you have signed your side of 
the contract the shoot is confirmed!